Vaporwave beginner tips:
Dropping the mid can make a sample or instrument pop more in the mix. This can especially be effective with kick, and other percussion as well. For any sample or instrument, go the the center of whatever frequency range it occupies and drop it a bit, but try watch the spectrograph and play with the adjustments. You might find that spot that causes a little ear fatigue and this will make your tracks easier to enjoy at higher volume.
Slowing down samples and lowering the pitch can turn analog recordings of bass guitar into mud. Doing a low cut on your reverb can help keep your low end from getting too swampy.
Using a bass tightener takes all bass tones below a certain frequency and consolidates them to mono. This is another technique to help keep your low end from turning into a bog.
Play with your reverb a lot. Mess around with other effects. It doesn’t matter if you break your sample; it might end up sounding amazing that way. Have fun! Make something you’re proud of and share it with us!
Best for downloading video from YouTube (Inexpensive, and worth it.)